Key Takeaways

Watch this video below which summarises the key takeaways from the Together: Building an Inclusive Youth Sector resource.

Thank you

Together has been generously supported by workers in the Victorian youth sector and disability sector, and young disabled and non-disabled people.

Steering Committee

The project has been shaped by a 2019 steering committee made up of representatives of the Victorian youth sector. Clare Griffin (City of Port Phillip), Mariah Magri (Brimbank City Council), Linette Harriot (Centre for Multicultural Youth), Christina Collins (Frankston City Council), Lisa Rodwell (City of Stonnington), Sam Champion (Youth Affairs Council Victoria), Tanya Marks (Kingston Youth & Family Services) and Ruby Cameron (The Drum) all contributed their skills, experience, ideas, encouragement and support to Together: Building an Inclusive Youth Sector as steering committee members.


To develop Together in 2019, the project team consulted with representatives from Youth Affairs Council Victoria, Swan Hill Rural City Council Youth Services, Swan Hill District Health, Mitchell Shire Youth Council, Brimbank City Council Libraries, Brimbank City Council L2P program, Brimbank City Council Youth Services, Centre for Multicultural Youth, Victoria University, City of Port Phillip Metro Access and delegates at Connecting the Dots (YACVic rural youth worker conference in Ballarat) and Having a Say (VALID conference for disabled people in Geelong).

To update Together in 2022, the project team consulted allied healthcare professionals, rural and regional youth workers, teachers, Victorian Department of Justice, Drummond Street, and headspace, along with reports and resources from LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, Orygen, Youth Affairs Council Victoria, Universal Design Australia, University at Buffalo Centre for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access, Council of Europe and European Commission, Community Business, Australian Department of Social Services, European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Journal, Queensland Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, Amaze, Brimbank City Council, Knox City Council, headspace, Thorne Harbour Health, Merri-bek City Council, First Peoples Disability Network Australia, and People With Disability Australia.


The content of the Together workshops and online resource is written by young disabled people for the Victorian youth sector. The content draws upon the amazing work of Julia and Petra of Undercurrent Victoria, Brunswick Music Festival, Australian Network on Disability, Parks Victoria, Brimbank City Council, Knox City Council, headspace, Thorne Harbour Health, Amaze, and The Australian Human Rights Commission.

YDAS acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government and Australian Government.

Together we can create a world where young disabled and non-disabled people are living, working, playing and socialising together.

Previous: Together Training