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About the Rights to Reality Project

It can be hard for disabled young people in Victoria to understand their Rights are things that everyone should be able to get, have and do. For example, all disabled young people should be able to go to school.rightsin different situations. That's why our Rights to Reality project is important.

We're looking for a group of disabled young people to help us design a series of information sessions about your rights in different situations.

How you can help

You can be involved in this project in two ways:

Stage 1: Surveys and focus groups for disabled young people

You can attend an online focus group or fill in a survey.

The surveys and focus groups will help us understand what you would want to know in an information session about your rights.

We will ask you about

  • the topics we could talk about in the information sessions
  • the structure of the sessions, and
  • how we should deliver the sessions.

Our first focus group is happening will be held online on Wednesday, 26  June from 4-6 pm. 

The survey and focus groups are an opportunity for you to share your ideas and make sure that other disabled young people are treated fairly.

Stage 2: Information sessions

You can come to an information session. We will have 5 information sessions later this year.

There will be three online sessions and two in-person sessions in Melbourne. You can choose to attend in person or online.

The information sessions will help you:

  • understand your rights
  • advocate for your rights
  • learn how you can uphold your rights and keep yourself safe.

Leader Facilitator3

Who is this project for

 You can be part of the project if you identify as:

  • Having a disability, health condition, or chronic illness
  • Neurodiverse or autistic 
  • Deaf, deaf or hard of hearing 
  • Blind or vision impaired 
  • Having lived experience of mental health issues. 

You must also:

  • Be 12 to 25 years old and
  • Live, work, study in, or visit City of Melbourne.

We want to make sure we reach different parts of the disability community. We want to hear from:

  • LGBTQIA+ young person
  • First Nations young person
  • Culturally diverse young person.
  • Young person with intellectual disability
  • Young person not in employment, education, or training

CoM Map2Where is the City of Melbourne?

City of Melbourne includes these neighbourhoods:

  • Parkville
  • Carlton
  • North Melbourne
  • Kensington
  • Flemington
  • West Melbourne
  • Docklands
  • Melbourne CBD 
  • East Melbourne
  • Southbank
  • South Yarra
  • South Wharf
  • Port Melbourne


The survey is currently out now.

Click here to answer the survey

Contact us

If you have any questions or need help with the form, contact Jun (he/him) at jlee@ydas.org.au or 0457 453 784.

This project is supported by the City of Melbourne

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