Last updated 15 September 2021.
In this blog, we're answering some of the most common questions disabled young people have about getting a COVID-19 vaccine.
Why is it important to get the COVID-19 vaccination?
Most importantly, getting vaccinated protects you against COVID-19 and helps to stop you from getting very sick.
When a lot of people get vaccinated, it also means that the whole community is more protected against COVID-19.
What are the side effects of getting vaccinated?
The COVID-19 vaccines affect everyone different. Some people do not feel any different after they get their first and second doses.
Other people may have side effects. Most side effects are not serious and go away on their own in a couple of days.
Common side effects include:
- Pain or swelling in your arm where the needle went in
- A fever
- Sore muscles
- Feeling tired
- A headache
Check out the Australian Government's Easy English guide below to find out more about the side effects you may have after getting vaccinated.
You should talk to your doctor if you are worried about any side effects.
Can I get the COVID-19 vaccination?
COVID-19 vaccines are currently available for everyone who is 12-years-old and older in Victoria. COVID-19 vaccines are free, safe and voluntary.
A very small number of people cannot get vaccinated as they may have a bad reaction. If you are unsure, the best person to speak to about being vaccinated against COVID-19 is your doctor.
Check out the guide below to find out more about speaking to a doctor or health professional about getting vaccinated.
How can I book to get vaccinated?
To book a vaccine appointment, you can:
- Call the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398. For an interpreter, press 0.
- Use the online booking system
- Book through a Not all doctors or GPs have COVID-19 vaccines available. 'Participating GPs' are doctors and GPs that have COVID-19 vaccines available.participating GP
- Book through a Not all pharmacies have COVID-19 vaccines available. 'Participating pharmacies' are pharmacies that have COVID-19 vaccines available.participating pharmacy
For more information, check out the detailed step by step guide below.
The Victorian Government website also has some videos that show you how to book your vaccination appointment online using the online booking system.
If you are Deaf, deaf or hard of hearing, check out Deaf Victoria’s guide to booking your vaccine online. It is in Auslan with captions.
Can I get support to get vaccinated?
Yes! If you are a disabled young person who would like support to book your appointment or make sure your vaccine appointment will be accessible, you can sign up to have your booking looked after by a A person who supports disabled people so that they can access health services, including vaccinations.Disability Liaison Officer
They can support you with access needs including physical and sensory needs, transport, and more. They can also work with your support workers. You do not need to ‘prove’ your disability to get support from a Disability Liaison Officer.
You can also ask the people you trust for support. For example:
- Family
- Friends
- Teachers
- Co-workers
- Support workers
Can I get vaccinated at an accessible venue?
You can find out more about Victoria's vaccination centres when you book online or over the phone. This includes information about their accessibility features, opening hours, and location.
If you want to get your vaccination at a GP or pharmacy, it is best to contact them directly to find out more about their accessibility.
For more information about accessibility, check out the detailed step by step guide below.
You can also get support to find out more about accessibility from a Disability Liaison Officer.
Have a lot of other disabled young people been vaccinated?
Yes! Lots of disabled young people in Victoria are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Check out the interview below to hear from Mia, Emma, and Is, about their experiences getting vaccinated as disabled young people.

YDAS COVID-19 Working Group members: Lee, Mia, and Emma.
For more information, check out the Victorian Government's COVID-19 webpage for disabled people.