Many young people have to study or work from home because of COVID-19 currently. If you are not used to studying or working at home it can be hard to focus.

Here are 11 tips that can help you stay focused and get things done at home!

Stick to a routine

A routine is a series of actions that you do everyday.

For example, if you up at 7am every morning, and brush your teeth after breakfast - that is your morning routine.

A routine helps you stick to a schedule and get things done.

Get enough sleep

It is good to get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Sleep is important because it gives you energy. Without enough sleep it can be hard to stay focused.

Think about where you are sitting to study or work. It is important to have a comfortable chair and desk.

Another important part of where you study is the light. Your eyes will get tired if it is too dark.

If you can, try to sit in a quiet space. This will help you to concentrate.

Take regular breaks

It can be hard to focus for a long time, so it is a good idea to take lots of breaks.

You don’t have to rest for a long time. You could even get up and make a cup of tea and then come back. You could also go outside for a few minutes.

The Pomodoro technique is one way to make sure you take enough breaks. It means working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5 minute break. Give it a try!

Eat healthy foods

Food gives us energy to learn and work. Some foods are better than others. Fruit and vegetables are a healthy snack that can boost your energy levels.

Eating breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday is good for your body and your mind.

Make lists

Making a list is a way to keep track of the things you want to do and the things you have done.

You can make a list of tasks you want to do each day. Or you can write a weekly list, with tasks you want to do each week.

It feels great when you complete a task on the list and can cross it off.

Use online resources

If you are in high school, there are lots of videos to watch and activities to do for different subjects online.

ABC Education

The ABC have some great videos about different topics on their website. 

Watch the education videos on iView here.

The videos have subtitles in large font.

Start with topics that interest you

You will have more fun if you are learning about or working on something that you like, so it's a good idea to start with those topics first.

YouTube, Google and your library website are all good resources that you can access from home.

Take notes

If you are trying to study and remember information, writing it down can help. You could write with a pen and paper, or use a device. You could also record your voice or a video.

Read or listen to the notes you took. This will make it easier to remember the information.

A young man with Down syndrome on a laptop with a woman sitting next to him

Set small goals

If we have a lot of things to do, it can feel overwhelming and hard to know where to start. 

A goal is something you want to do in the future.

For example, instead of setting a big study goal like "Learn about the history of Italy," you could start with a small goal like "Watch a video about Italy in the 1900s."

Reward yourself 

If you have something to look forward to, it can help you stay motivated and focused.

For example, after you have done 1 hour of study, you could take a break to watch a funny video or go for a short walk.

Ask for support

Working and studying from home can be hard.

You can ask your teacher or boss if you need support. Or you could talk to a friend or family member.

An app such as Moodfit can help you understand how you’re feeling and the things that make you feel good. Learn more about Moodfit here.

The State Library has some more information and suggestions for learning here.

What helps you stay focused when you’re studying or working at home? Let us know on Twitter or Instagram!