On this page
About the project
Future Proof is a collective impact project led by YACVic, in response to the 2019-20 bushfires. It brings together a range of partners: 10 Local Councils, NGOs, ACCOs, Local Learning and Employment Network (LLEN) and Victoria University.
As the coordinating partner, YACVic provide support to all partners to deliver youth-led activities across the bushfire-impacted areas, including:
- Qualification pathways for local young people to kickstart careers in emergency management and community services
- The creation of local youth advisory groups (YAGs) leading locally-led projects.
- Training for young people and youth workers.
Future Proof is place-based, and applies youth work principles to support young people in youth-led recovery projects and community decision-making.
The project is funded under the Australian Government's Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants program.
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Qualification pathways
We facilitate qualification opportunities for young people in various areas of emergency management. Young people living in a Future Proof region can have their registrations paid for and their traineeship organised by the team.
Through this, young people in regional and rural areas can get involved, learn new skills and lead the way in making decisions about things that impact you like disaster risk, resilience and recovery.
If you’re a young person wanting to get qualified, some of the pathways include things like:
Certificate II in Firefighting
Certificate II, III or Diploma in Public Safety
Certificate IV in Mental Health
Certificate III, IV or Diploma in Community Services
First Aid
Communications training
Auslan interpreting
During disasters, we need people who are skilled in lots of different ways. From food safety to chainsaw training, there are many options. If you don’t want to be a firefighter, don’t worry! Reach out to Gippsland East LLEN or Junction Support Services with ideas about what you want to learn and find out if it’s something you can pursue.
Victoria University (VU) is leading the research component of Future Proof. As a research partner VU is actively embedded in the project, working with partner communities across regional Victoria. Their aim is to capture the experiences of young people, and the people and organisations that support them, in disaster recovery and preparedness throughout North East and Eastern Victoria.
Building on previous work, the research develops the evidence base around young people’s active role as agents of change in the context of disaster prevention, preparation, response and recovery. This work informs organisational and governmental policy to foster the meaningful involvement and inclusion of young people in disaster and emergency management responses.
Previous work:
- Diversity and inclusion: building strength and capacity.
- Evidence from Experience - Young people's perceptions of the effectiveness of bushfire relief and recovery.
Victoria University Research Team
Associate Professor Fiona MacDonald is the Chief Investigator for this research. You can reach out to the team on VUResearch.FutureProof@vu.edu.au or directly via their emails below.
- Associate Professor Fiona MacDonald, Principal Research Fellow, Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities Fiona.MacDonald@vu.edu.au.
- Professor Tim Corney, Professorial Research Fellow, Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities Tim.Corney@.vu.edu.au.
- Brett Woods, Research Fellow, Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities Brett.Woods@vu.edu.au.
For general enquiries, contact FutureProof@YACVic.org.au.
For other enquiries, contact Rural Disaster Resilience Coalition Support Officer, Harmony at HCarmichael@YACVic.org.au, or Rural Disaster Resilience Coalition Principal, Carla at CHall@YACVic.org.au.
If you're a young person interested in a YAG, local event or qualification pathway, or a youth worker who wants to refer a young person, contact your local Future Proof Partner (details below).
Find your local Future Proof Partner
East Gippsland
East Gippsland Shire Council
(03) 5153 9500
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Moogji Aboriginal Council
(03) 5154 2133
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Gippsland East Local Learning and Employment Network (GELLEN)
Moogji Aboriginal Council
(03) 5154 2133
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Gippsland East Local Learning and Employment Network (GELLEN)
Albury Wodonga
Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service (AWAHS)
(02) 6051 7111
Junction Support Services
(02) 6043 7400
Alpine Shire Council Youth
(03) 5755 0555
Corryong Neighbourhood Centre (CNC)
Indigo Shire Youth Services
1300 365 003
Mansfield Shire Council Youth Services
(03) 5775 8555
Wangaratta Rural City Youth Services
(03) 5722 0888
Meet the crew

Harmony Carmichael (they/she)
Harmony is from North-East Victoria and has a passion for advocating for the unique issues that impact rural and regional young people, being one herself.
For the last two years, Harmony has been completing their Diploma of Community Services. Harmony has been working with YACVic, facilitating training and workshops all across Victoria with young people to help build their capacity in supporting their communities.
Harmony is in a support role within the Future Proof project, working alongside Youth Workers and Peer Workers across Eastern and North-Eastern Victoria to build upon the youth-led efforts within these communities and grow the resilience and capacity of young people.

Cherrie Byrne (she/her)
Corryong Neighbourhood Centre (CNC)
Cherrie has been living in Corryong since the age of seven, after relocating from Young, NSW with her family.
As soon as Cherrie was old enough, the desire to leave the area grew due to the lack of opportunities. However, she learned to direct this passion towards youth voice, community services and other gaps such as mental health, transport & driving services, that are exposed through living in a rural town - something she and other locals have had to deal with while growing up in the area.
Cherrie believes it's time to let youth decide what they want and need to improve the quality of their lives, both currently and in the future.

Tara Wilson
East Gippsland Shire Council
Tara is a Project Peer Support Officer at East Gippsland Shire Council, based in Bairnsdale. In her role she is a part of FReeZA and also a Peer Worker for YACVic's Future Proof Project.
She is passionate about helping the community and creating opportunities for young people of East Gippsland. Outside of her work in community services she was also a cadet with the Australian Army Cadets and has recently returned as staff, she says that her time in the cadets instilled a sense of identity, belonging and purpose and has taught her valuable leadership skills that now allows her to contribute to her community. She is driven to make change and providing a voice for young people, and looks forward to her future in community services.

Chloe Peters (she/her)
East Gippsland Shire Council
Chloe volunteered for the East Gippsland Youth Ambassadors for 2 years before she came across this opportunity for the Future Proof role. In Chloe's position she gets to do the things she is passionate about, like creating opportunities for young people, while also getting to educate them in the Emergency Management sector. She also loves giving young people a voice and getting out into the community to help others. In her role she also gets to study community services and upskill on her leadership skills, plus other skills she may need in the future.

Makenzie Wilson
Gippsland East Local Learning and Employment Network (GELLEN)
Makenzie has always had a passion for helping the community and knew this program would be a perfect fit. She looks forward to assisting young people in her community through education and employment pathways which will lead to further and ongoing employment opportunities.