YACVic Training and Support

Group of young people laughing together

YACVic offers a range of training and support as part of our social enterprise work. The training and support you book directly supports us to expand and develop the capacity and skills of young people across Victoria.

In addition to the training sessions for young people and workers supporting young people (which you can find out below), YACVic offers in-depth and longer-term fee-for-service support based on your needs which can include:

  • Framework, policy and strategy design: we can walk through this process with you and support you to create the documents you need to embed youth participation in your organisation
  • Consultations: we can design, host and deliver peer-led youth consults
  • Co-design: we can support you to work alongside young people on designing and delivering solutions for your key challenges and projects
  • Recruitment: we can connect you with young people from around the state to get involved in your initiatives. We will support both you and the young participants through the process.

For more information and to discuss how we can support you to work with young people please get in touch with Sam Champion, Participation & Development Coordinator on 0438 072 200 or at schampion@yacvic.org.au

Training for Workers Who Support Young People


Safety in action: child and youth safeguarding

Are you new to working with young people or know you need to update your child and youth safeguarding training?

This interactive training session has been designed for staff and volunteers who work with young people to understand their child safe obligations, make sense of the law and improve child and youth safe practice. The session aims to help participants understand and identify the signs and indicators of child abuse and harm. Participants develop confidence in responding to and reporting concerns and disclosures of child abuse. 


  • What is Child Abuse including grooming and sexually harmful behaviour 
  • Indicators of abuse 
  • Legislation 
  • Victorian Child Safe Standards 
  • Code of Conduct 
  • Recognising and responding to disclosures 
Getting with it: youth participation

Youth Participation 101 training featuring a smiling young woman in blue

Why is taking young people seriously so important?

Do you need guidance to boost your youth groups, programs and advocacy?

Does your team need tools and strategies for effective youth participation?

Youth Participation 101 will equip you with the fundamental theories, strategies and resources to help you engage young people.

You’ll learn how to strengthen the voices of young people in the work of your organisation and in the wider community. We’ll talk about the successes you’re having and unpack the barriers you may be encountering to increase your confidence in working alongside young people. 


  • Discuss the fundamental benefits of youth engagement
  • Provide support to embed the voice of young people within your work
  • Learn more about YACVic’s model of participation (both successes and learnings)
  • Share good stories, and workshop any challenges you may currently be facing
  • Graduates are invited to join the Youth Participation Practice Network (YPPN)

Find out more about Youth Participation here

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Navigating the grey: ethical practice with young people

Code of Ethical Practice banner featuring a smiling young woman in red

What do you believe are healthy boundaries to have when working with young people?

How do you respect young people’s confidentiality, when they tell you things you know you need to act on?

Are you confident about the values, principles and practice responsibilities of working with young people?

The Code of Ethical Practice training will strengthen your youth work practice and how you interact with and support young people. This workshop covers foundational theories and guidance for using the Code in your workplace. There is heaps of opportunity for discussion and reflective practice as well as strategies for developing ethical practice in your role/organisation. 

Topics we cover

  • Why is a Code of Ethical Practice so important for the youth sector?
  • What are ethics anyway?
  • Background to the Code
  • Youth work Principles
  • Youth work Practice Responsibilities
  • How do I deal with an ethical dilemma at work?

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Step into the ring: running great workshops

How to Run Engaging Workshops banner

Are you new to running workshops and meetings with and for young people?

Would you like to be more confident in creating safe, accessible and empowering spaces?

Do you want to run workshops where young participants are actively involved and highly engaged?

You’ll walk away from this fun and interactive training equipped with the confidence and skills you need to run great workshops with and for young people.

Through the careful and practiced guidance of our experienced young peer facilitators you will leave knowing how you can enhance your meetings, workshops and events. The content can be tailored to focus on participants who are aged 12-25 or over 25.

 Topics we cover

  • How to start a workshop
  • Online vs Face-to-Face meetings
  • Developing a run sheet
  • Problem solving – what happens when things don’t always go to plan
  • How to manage people and different group dynamics

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Book online now

You can also visit our events calendar for public training.

Please be advised that bookings will need 2 months notice of the date in which you wish to book. 

Training for Young People

Pass the mic: media training for young people

Do you want to speak to the media on an issue that affects you? Do you want to raise awareness in the media about an issue affecting your community? Do you want to be heard when speaking up about an issue affecting young people such as yourself?

This training session provides fundamental guidance to understanding the media, how to pitch, and media interview skills.

The workshop is run by YACVic's Media and Communications team, who has worked with the media and successfully pitched stories to Triple J, ABC, The Age, SBS, Vice and more.

Topics we cover

  • Understand what the media actually means 
  • Learn how the media works
  • How to write a media release
  • How to pitch your story 
  • Techniques to nail that interview

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Say it loud: youth advocacy

Do you want to know how to lead change in your community and be heard by decision makers?

This workshop informs and inspires young people to create change on issues they are passionate about! Through a mixture of learning advocacy concepts combined with reflective and group activities, the participants will delve deeper into decision-making, stakeholder engagement & public advocacy. Using real world examples and learning various tips on engaging with the greater community this workshop helps shape what advocacy might end up looking like for each of the participants.

Topics we cover

  • Explore the different components of advocacy
  • Identify aspects of decision making and leadership
  • Identify certain strategies to overcome barriers
  • Explore the various ways of driving stakeholder and community engagement
  • Reflect on the next steps in your advocacy journey

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Mid to main character: running great workshops

How to Run Engaging Workshops banner

Are you new to running workshops and meetings with and for young people?

Would you like to be more confident in creating safe, accessible and empowering spaces?

Do you want to run workshops where young participants are actively involved and highly engaged?

You’ll walk away from this fun and interactive training equipped with the confidence and skills you need to run great workshops with and for young people.

Through the careful and practiced guidance of our experienced young peer facilitators you will leave knowing how you can enhance your meetings, workshops and events. The content can be tailored to focus on participants who are aged 12-25 or over 25.

 Topics we cover

  • How to start a workshop
  • Online vs Face-to-Face meetings
  • Developing a run sheet
  • Problem solving – what happens when things don’t always go to plan
  • How to manage people and different group dynamics

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Rewriting the agenda: youth-led meetings

Could your youth group benefit from learning the skills to run great meetings? 

This workshop will inform young people what goes into planning meetings, conducting meetings and what next steps might look like. Participants will delve into how to write agendas, and experience real-life scenarios through interactive activities with the guidance of the workshop facilitator. Using these activities and discussions, this workshop will give young people the professional skills necessary to navigate board or council meetings and set up their own work- or personal-related meetings in the future.

Topics we cover

  • Planning for meetings 
  • Writing an agenda 
  • Conducting meetings 
  • Creating a safe and accessible space 

Book online now

Book online now

You can also visit our events calendar for public training.

Please be advised that bookings will need 2 months notice of the date in which you wish to book. 

Benefits and Pricing

YACVic workshops are delivered in-house and/or online by our highly experienced facilitators. They are designed to share theory, develop practice and encourage conversation in your teams.

You will receive:

  • A 2-hour interactive workshop for up to 30 young people, or
  • A 4-hour interactive workshop for up to 30 sector workers, and
  • Planning, pre-brief and debrief support from our team
  • Evaluation report from your session
  • Resources
  • Certificates of attendance (on request)

YACVic Member prices for NFPs start at $1,300 (plus GST)

Become a YACVic Member to access our fully discounted prices 

To make an inquiry please book online or book in time to chat with Finnley Stirling, Participation & Development Admin Officer. 

Make an enquiry

Training and Events Calendar

If you are an individual, you can find out if we're running open training in your area (or online) by looking in our events calendar

Book in a Young Peer Facilitator 

To make an inquiry to book in a Young Peer Facilitator please get in touch with Finnley Stirling, Participation & Development Admin Officer at FStirling@YACVic.org.au or simply book online below.

Make an enquiry

Young Peer Facilitators

YACVic Young Peer Facilitators are a group of young people from across Victoria with a diverse range of lived experience who are trained and supported to lead discussions on a wide range of issues. They design and facilitate trainings, consultations and other events, for and with other young Victorians. 

Placing experienced young people like the Young Peer Facilitators at the centre of youth discussions and projects reflects YACVic’s values and empowers young people in all their capacity. Likewise, the youth sector benefits from the Facilitators’ involvement in delivering trainings and projects as it centres the unique perspective of young people– one that often gets side-lined in decision-making processes.  

By engaging our Facilitators, you’re also supporting young people to gain new skills and confidence in delivering work to the youth sector and beyond. 

Meet The Facilitators

Finnley Stirling headshot3

Finnley (they/them)

Finnley is a passionate advocate for LGBTQIA+ young people, youth mental health and Ethical Practice within the Youth Sector. Finn has been volunteering in the youth sector in various ways for the last 6 years including; advocating for young people's mental health and running and creating LGBTQIA+ panels, workshops and social groups. Finn wanted to be a Young Peer Facilitator because they love connecting with people, sharing their lived experience and supporting both young people and workers in the youth sector! Finn loves all things glitter, is a published author, and dreams of one day performing in drag!

Ruqia web

Ruqia (she/her)

Ruqia is a Young Peer Facilitator at YACVic and a Youth Program Assistant at Banyule City Council. Born into a refugee family and as a woman of colour, Ruqia is passionate about making Victoria a safer place for young people where they are free to express themselves and lead the changes they would like to see. At YACVic, Ruqia worked on the COVID-19 Youth Engagement Project where she worked with young people to create content on TikTok. Ruqia has also recently concluded her undergraduate studies in Health Science (Public Health Major).

Tom PS

Tom (he/him)

Tom is passionate about working towards better outcomes for all young people across Victoria. He is currently undertaking a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Melbourne and is a member of the Victorian Youth Congress, advising State government on Youth matters. Tom is also a committee member for the Voices For Nicholls electorate advocacy organisation. Prior to starting at YACVic, Tom worked as a Project Research Officer at the Goulburn Murray Local Learning Employment Network, and he is the youngest graduate of the Fairley Leadership Project. Tom grew up in Shepparton and is particularly enthusiastic about removing barriers to success that Regional Youth are disproportionately affected by.

Rebecca PS

Rebecca (she/her)

Bec is passionate about the education of sexual and reproductive health as well as the representation and empowerment of the LGBTQIA+ community. She believes that young people should be able to feel safe and confident when making decisions for their bodies and lives. Bec has completed a BA in Gender Studies and Criminology along with a Cert IV in Youth Work and is now working at Neami National as a Community Rehabilitation and Support Worker. Bec wanted to be a Young Peer Facilitator because she volunteers in a similar role with headspace and wanted to build on her experience and passion for working with young people.

Ben Robinson headshot2

Ben (he/him)

Ben is a young person that loves spending time outside. Whether he is hiking, kayaking, water skiing, he always says that he is solar charged. That is why he is passionate about curving our climate crisis. Ever since Ben left school, he has been working with young people on school camps and holiday programs doing a range of fun activities such as hiking, canoeing, and rock climbing, but also wellbeing and personal growth-based activities. As Ben has grown older, he has become more interested in spending time with other young people and helping them grow. Ben will be studying a Bachelor of Social Work in 2024 and is excited to be part of the YACVic team.

Kelsey Macdonald headshot3

Kelsey (he/him)

Kelsey is a young person who is passionate about climate action, mental health, and the LGBTQIA+ community’s concerns. He is particularly interested in the role of youth in these areas. Kelsey believes that young people have a unique voice and perspective that isn’t always heard which is why he decided to work at YACVic. He regularly volunteers his time to the Loddon Mallee Youth Climate Network and AEPCC as well as various other groups. He is currently studying a Masters in Visual Art which focuses on quilting and the theory of neuroqueerness.

Cass Robertson headshot3

Cass (she/they)

Cass is passionate about ensuring that young people thrive in the spaces they exist in and has a particular focus in advocating with and for young people when it comes to mental and sexual health and LGBTQIA+ issues. They are currently studying a Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics and a Bachelor of Arts. Given that she is always to develop her skills further in the advocacy space and help make sure young people are heard, Cass is very excited to become a Young Peer Facilitator at YACVic. In their spare time, Cass loves to watch and play sport, read and take day hikes around Victoria.

Sarah McCamish headshot2

Sarah (she/her)

Sarah is passionate about youth engagement and participation, empowering young people to take interest and have their voices heard on matters that affect them. She has been working and volunteering in the youth sector outside of YACVic for a number of years, most recently with Deakin University’s Department of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. This work has driven Sarah to the role of Young Peer Facilitator, along with her passion for community connection, particularly within LGBTQIA+ spaces. Sarah has completed a Bachelor of Arts with Majors in International Relations and Politics and Policy Studies in 2023. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys surfing and pretending to be a Matilda’s player at her local soccer club.

Brit Watts headshot3

Brit (she/they)

Brit is passionate about young people finding belonging. She works as a Program Facilitator for I CAN Network and Volunteers for The Mirabel Foundation, striving to role model resilience and self-advocacy to the young people she works with. She is studying a Diploma of Community Services where she is an active member of the Student Voice, and hopes to one day become a Social Worker. Brit believes that peer led work and lived experience are powerful tools, which is what led her to become a Young Peer Facilitator at YACVic. Outside of work she brings the same dedication to carefully curated playlists, road trips and long meals with friends.

Anna Zhang headshot4

Anna (she/her)

Anna is passionate about advocating for social justice issues. She advocates across different sectors like family violence, disability, child protection, mental health and more. Her lived experience has led her to work across many organisations including headspace, Whitelion, YDAS & YACVic, Arts Access Victoria and many more organisations to create systemic change. She was a part of a yearlong advocacy campaign which resulted in a new headspace center being built in Syndal, and a reform to embed new anti-racism education through the Victorian education system. Anna has looked up to various facilitators in the past that helped her on her advocacy journey and she hopes to do the same as a YACVic Peer Facilitator. She believes young people can drive real change when they are given a voice. She has a background in NDIS and family violence prevention, is currently studying a Diploma of Community services and IV in Disability and plans to do her social work degree in the future.

Kurin Lelean headshot3

Kurin (he/him)

Kurin is passionate about bolstering youth empowerment and voice. He holds a Cert IV in Youth Work, and has a wealth of experience in Youth representation, including holding the current position as regional Victoria’s Youth Representative with Amnesty International Australia’s YAG. Kurin also believes in the importance of lived experience, being involved in projects with La Trobe University, DFFH, Project Rockit, and Women’s Health East in areas such as Queer identity, Sexual Health, Disability, FDV, and First Nations identity. Kurin currently resides on Wadawurrung Country and grew up on Taungurung and Dhudhuroa Country, and so has naturally come to love all things nature and outdoors as a result.

Harmony Carmichael headshot2

Harmony (she/her)

Harmony has a passion for youth mental health, wellbeing, and how community connection and participation fosters this. Harmony is completing her Diploma of Community Services at Wodonga TAFE. She's volunteered in youth spaces for the past seven years, working with groups of young people creating safe and fun spaces. Currently a member of the Wodonga FReeZA committee, Harmony helps create drug, alcohol, and smoke-free community events to encourage connection amongst young people, and opportunities to showcase their talents. Growing up regionally, Harmony is enthusiastic about breaking barriers that living regionally creates for youth, which inspired her to become a Young Peer Facilitator. Harmony’s spare time consists of caring for her plants and photographing pretty sunsets.

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Tone (she/they)

Tone is a lived experience peer worker at headspace Shepparton, on Yorta Yorta land. In partnership with the People and Parks Foundation, Tone has helped pioneered the implementation of Nature Scripts - a pilot program which is a nature-based intervention that nurtures connection with nature, self & others. It is currently being evaluated by researchers from the University of Melbourne.


Exaucee (she/her)

Exaucee is passionate about youth advocacy, studying for a Bachelor of Youth Work & Youth Studies while volunteering at YACVic, Centre for Multicultural Youth and Concern Australia. These experiences helped her to build her confidence working with and alongside young people on issues that were important to them. Exaucee brings this passion, motivation and varied experiences to YACVic to facilitate training and workshops for young people, building their confidence and skills to be seen, heard and lead for change.