Your answers

Question 1 of 5

What are some of your short term goals?

Your answer

Question 2 of 5

What do you need to do to be able to achieve these goals?

Your answer

Question 3 of 5

What support or help do you need to achieve these goals?

Your answer

Question 4 of 5

What are some of your long-term or bigger goals?

Your answer

Question 5 of 5

What do you need to do to be able to achieve these goals?

Your answer

What else you need to know about setting goals

What is a goal?

Goals are things you want to do in the future. They help you to have a good life. 

There are many kinds of goals you might want to When something happens because you work hard.achieve including:  

  • Making friends 

  • Getting a job

  • Joining a sports team 

  • Making art 

Short-term and long-term goals can mean different lengths of time to different people.  

Short-term or small goals can be achieved within a few weeks or months. In your NDIS plan your short-term goals are goals that you want to achieve in the next few months. 

In this 3 minute video disabled young people talk about achieving short-term goals.

Long-term or big goals take more time. They may take a year or even longer to achieve. In your NDIS plan your long-terms goals are goals that you want to achieve in the next year.

In this 3 minute video disabled young people talk about achieving long-term goals.


Your NDIS plan is based around your goals. It is important to know what your goals are so that you get the right support to achieve them.

If you want to learn more about how to set goals click on the link below.

This link has more detailed and Hard to understand.complexinformation.

Choose your goals

The NDIS can support you to achieve short-term and long-term goals. 

Here are 2 examples of short-term goals: 

Tilly loves make-up and wants to become a famous YouTuber. Her short term goal is to film a make-up tutorial for YouTube in the next month. 

Image of girl with one hand applying makeup

Abby takes piano lessons. Her short term goal is to learn how to play 2 new songs on the piano in the next 4 months. 

girl and woman sitting at piano, smiling

Here are 2 examples of long-term goals: 

Sam wants to be able to take public transport to meet up with their friends. Their long-term goals is to learn how to take public transport independently with their A dog that has been trained to support a person.service dog by the end of the year. 

Illustration of a young person on a bus with their service dog.

Sophia lives in a wheelchair accessible apartment, which she loves. Her long-term goal is to be able to keep living independently, like she does now.

Sophia's support workers help her prepare meals and clean her apartment. The NDIS pays for Sophia to have support workers because their support means that Sophia can achieve her goal of living independently.

Woman who uses a wheelchair cooking at bench, friends on either side

Long-term or big goals may take a year or even longer to achieve. 

Remember that goals can change over time and that is okay. 

You can always make new goals when you have reached the goals you have now, or if your goals change. 

For example, you might not be interested in learning how to drive right now. But it might be something you would like to do when you get older. 

Goals and the NDIS

The NDIS can support you to achieve your short-term and long-term goals. 

The young people in the examples above can all get support through the NDIS to achieve their goals. 

It is important that you know what your goals are. You will need to be clear about what your goals are during your NDIS planning meeting. 

The person creating your NDIS plan needs to know what your goals so that they can include them in your NDIS plan. You will then be able to get support to achieve your goals.